Sunday, September 10, 2006

Alphabet: Lesson on the pronounciation of the Japanese alphabet


Blogger Ran said...

I really enjoyed this lesson as it rather helped me in somehow remembering the characters.. don't ask, maybe it's because it gives an aural way of sorting them, i don't really know.

Anyway, you are wondering why they used R rather than L in romaji. I'd assume that as the word "romaji" imply it's a latinisation, and in most latin languages R is pronounced quite like the romaji's R (it's not pronounced like this in French but not that long ago it was in most regions but with mass media the more german R as pronounced in Paris became the standard way and except for very old persons no one pronounces their R "rolled" anymore).
Interesting isn't it ? er... not really ;) whatever...

3:02 PM  

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